Latest Information


Name of the department

  • Hindi

Year of Establishment

  • 1961

Names of Programme / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.)

  • UG (BA Programme), PG (MA upto2011-12)


-> Publication per faculty

  • Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals(national/International)by faculty and students
  • Number of publications listed in International Database
    (For E.g. : Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International
    Complete, Dare Database-International Social Sciences
    Directory, EBSCOhost, etc.)
  • Monographs
  • Chapter in Books
  • Books Edited
  • Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers
  • Citation Index
  • SNIP
  • SJR
  • Impact factor
  • h-index