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NSS forms a primary source for conducting activities for social welfare and community orientation. This programme has been conducted in the college since its inception and the students are motivated to actively participate in this extension activity, thus fulfilling their responsibility towards society. A separate room has been provided for NSS unit, and the Programme Officer, appointed from the staff members, organizes various events as a part of this programme.The project mainly includes training programmes covering areas like visits to nearby villages, and institutions, social work, environmental awareness, cleaning programmes, AIDS awareness, medical camps, participation in drives and rallies, as well as the conducting different competitions like painting, poster-making, etc, related to social concerns and issues. Seminars, lectures and workshops are organized by invited experts, medical practitioners and other dignitaries.

The Institution believes that education is incomplete if the students do not learn to become useful members of the society. Only bookish knowledge is not enough. A student must learn to serve and cooperate with other members of the society. With this objective in view NSS was started since the establishment of the Institution. It promotes self reliance and the importance of physical labor. It inculcates value education in students & rouses in them a sense of responsibility to the society. The NSS carries out a large number of activities inside & outside the college campus. Every year they adopt a certain village & serve its needs like eradication of illiteracy, road construction, village cleanliness etc. It takes out rallies with the motto “save the girl child.” To make students aware of the importance of clean environment, it in engages them in activities like tree plantation. It occasionally arranges for special lectures from experts who throw light on ways of healthy living, de addiction etc. The program officer always encourages the volunteers to be ready to help the fellow human beings by donating blood. The NSS unit of our college emphasizes on the all round character development of the students because it is the crown & glory of individual life.