Desk of Principal

Time is ripe for all institutes of higher education to prove their excellence in education. The assessment is crucial in the present context because the vast area of education with varied disciplines and specializations needs systematic improvement. Colleges that go in for NAAC certification are suddenly awakened to sense of improvement in the methods of imparting knowledge coupled with concern for quality education.

Much has been done but still many remains to be done. All requirements and criteria demanded for certification have long been achieved by our colleges started thinking of innovations. We went for NAAC accreditation in the year 2007 and got B+ grade. In the year 2014 we went for NAAC re accreditation and got ‘B’ grade. The students, staff and alumni are testimony of the great experiments and huge tasks that led the college to glory by wining.

The aim of C.B. Patel Arts College has always been to do consistently better and better for welfare of student and society. The Faculty of the college excels in their respective subjects and with constant dedication and untiring efforts continues to uphold values of education.

I feel proud to be the head of this noble institution and anticipate even better performance by staff and students in curricular, extracurricular and co-curricular activities. The faculty members of this college deserve high praise for their contribution and wish them bright success in their endeavor.

At last I would like to say:

There cannot be improvement without new ideas, and there cannot be new ideas without the participation of all. So I invite you all to participate and guide for more improvements of your College.